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Mellado, C., Mothes, C., Hallin, D. C., Humanes, M. L., Lauber, M., Mick, J., … Olivera, D. (2020). Investigating the Gap between Newspaper Journalists’ Role Conceptions and Role Performance in Nine European, Asian, and Latin American Countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics.

Claudia Mellado & Andrés Scherman (2020) Mapping Source Diversity Across Chilean News Platforms and Mediums, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2020.1759125

Mellado, C (2019). Journalists’ Professional Roles and Role Performance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press.


Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mellado, C., Humanes, M. L., Amado, A., Beck, D., Davydov, S., … Wang, H. (2019). Detached or Interventionist? Comparing the Performance of Watchdog Journalism in Transitional, Advanced and Non-democratic Countries. The International Journal of Press/Politics.


Roses, S & Humanes, ML (2019). Conflicts in the professional roles of journalists in Spain: Ideals and practice. Comunicar 58, v. XXVII, 65-74.


Mellado, C; Humanes, ML; Scherman, A; Ovando, A. (2018). Do digital platforms really make a difference in content? Mapping journalistic role performance in Chilean print and online news. Journalism , 1-20.


Mellado, C; Humanes, M.L y Márquez-Ramirez, M (2018). The influence of journalistic role performance on objective reporting: A comparative study of Chilean, Mexican, and Spanish news. The International Communication Gazette 80(3) 250–272.


Hallin, D. C., & Mellado, C. (2018). Serving Consumers, Citizens, or Elites: Democratic Roles of Journalism in Chilean Newspapers and Television News. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 23(1), 24–43.


Humanes, M.L. & Roses, S. (2018). Journalistic Role Performance in the Spanish National Press. The International Journal of Communication 12, 1032–1053.


Mellado, C; Hellmueller, L, Márquez-Ramírez, M; Humanes,M L; Sparks, C; Stepinska, A; Pasti, S; Schielicke, Anna-Maria; Tandoc, E & Wang, H (2017). The Hybridization of Journalistic Cultures: A Comparative Study of Journalistic Role Performance. Journal of Communication 67,944–967.


Mellado, C., Márquez-Ramírez, M., Mick, J., Oller Alonso, M., & Olivera, D. (2017). Journalistic performance in Latin America: A comparative study of professional roles in news content. Journalism, 18(9), 1087–1106.


Wang, H; Sparks, C, & Yu, W. (2017). Popular journalism in China: A study of China Youth Daily. Journalism 1-17.


Stępińska, A; Jurga-Wosik, E; Adamczewska, K; Secler, B, & Narożna, D (2016). Journalistic Role Performance in Poland. SSP 2, 37-51.


Mellado, C., & van Dalen, A. (2017). Challenging the Citizen–Consumer Journalistic Dichotomy: A News Content Analysis of Audience Approaches in Chile. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94(1), 213–237.

Mellado, C, & Vos, T. (2017). Conceptualizing Journalistic Role Performance Across News Platforms. In Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, contexts and methods (pp. 106-124) New York: Routledge.


Mellado, C; Hellmueller, L & Weaver, D (2017). Revisiting Journalists’ Role Conceptions Research. In Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, contexts and methods (pp. 21-40) New York: Routledge.


Mellado, C; Hellmueller, L & Donsbach, W. (2017). Journalistic Role Performance: A New Research Agenda in a Digital and Global Media Environment. In Journalistic Role Performance: Concepts, contexts and methods (pp. 1-20) New York: Routledge.


Wang, H; Sparks, C; Lü, N & Yu, H. (2016). Differences within the mainland Chinese press: a quantitative analysis, Asian Journal of Communication,

DOI: 10.1080/01292986.2016.1240818


Mellado, Claudia (2015). Professional roles in news content: Six dimensions of journalistic role performance. Journalism Studies 16, 596-614. DOI:10.1080/1461670X.2014.922276


Mellado, C & Lagos, C. (2014). Professional Roles in News Content: Analyzing Journalistic Performance in the Chilean National Press. International Journal of Communication 8: 2090–2112.


Mellado, Claudia & Van Dalen, Arjen (2014). Between rhetoric and practice. Explaining the gap between role conception and performance in journalism. Journalism Studies 15 (6), 859–878,




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