2nd Wave (2019-2024)
1st Wave (2013-2018)
PRECONFERENCE: Journalistic Role Performance: Paths Taken and Pathways Forward. ICA Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, June 2024.
El periodismo vigilante en España. Análisis de noticias en cuatro plataformas mediáticas. IX Congreso Internacional AEIC, May, 2024.
Ideales y práctica periodística. Divergencias entre concepciones de rol, percepción de su puesta en práctica y manifestación en las noticias. IX Congreso Internacional AEIC, May, 29-31
Sports News in Five Arab Countries: A Comparative Study of Platforms, Sources, and Journalistic Role Performance". IAMCR, Lyon, 2023.
Mapping Journalistic Role Performances Across Five Arab Countries, AEJMC, Washington DC, United States, 2023.
Desarrollo sostenible y funciones de los medios. Análisis de contenido de noticias desde la perspectiva de los roles periodísticos. VII Congreso Nacional TMIC-AEIC, November, 2023.
Cartografía de los roles periodísticos en el sistema mediático español. Análisis de contenido de noticias en prensa, radio, televisión y nativos digitales. XXIX Congreso Internacional Sociedad Española de Periodística (SEP), June, 2023
The Societal Context of Professional Practice: Examining the Impact of Politics and Economics on Journalistic Role Performance across 37 Countries. ICA Annual Conference, Toronto, May, 2023
Explaining gaps between journalists’ reported behaviours and role performance across Europe. ECREA Conference, Denmark, October, 2022.
Comparing Journalistic Roles and Role Performance in 37 Countries: Methodological Updates, Study Design, and Theoretical Underpinnings. ICA Annual Conference, Paris, May, 2022.
Comparing Journalistic Role Performance Across News Media Platforms. ICA Annual Conference, Paris, May, 2022.
The Relationship Between Ideals, Self-Reported Behaviors, and Journalistic Performance in an Age of Social Media. ICA Annual Conference, Paris, May, 2022.
Metaphors of Professional Roles. ICA Annual Conference, Paris, May, 2022
The Concept of Hybridity in Journalism Studies. ICA Virtual Conference, Australia. May, 2020.
News Beat Fluidity in Civic, Infotainment, and Service Role Performance Across Cultures. IAMCR July, Virtual Conference, 2021.
Misperceptions Beyond the Audience? Discrepancies between journalistic role performance and perceived role enactment. ICA Virtual Conference, May 27–31. 2021.
The Role Performance of Journalists as Political Actors: Comparing Differences in the Hybridization of Journalistic Cultures between Authoritarian Contexts and Transitional Democracies. ECPR, Wroclaw, Poland, 4-7 September, 2019.
The Interplay Between Performance, Reported Behaviours and Self-perception of Journalists. ECREA, Poznam, Poland, 12-13 September, 2019
The Gap Between Reported Journalistic Behaviors and Role Performance in the news. IAMCR Madrid, 7-11 July, 2019
Investigating the Gap Between Journalist’s Role Conception and Media Role Performance in Nine European, Asian and Latin American Countries. AEJMC, August 7-10, Toronto, 2019.
Ideal System Typologies, Convergence or Hybridization? Journalistic Role Performance in Six Advanced Democracies International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Washington DC, 2019.
Predicting the Passive and Active Performance of Watchdog Journalism: A Comparative Study of Transitional Democracies. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
News Sources and Media Agenda. A Comparative Study of Five Latin American Transitional Democracies. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
Between Reporting and Interpreting: Journalistic Voice in the News Media in Transitional Democracies. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
Connecting Citizenry and Public Life in Transitional Democracies: The Performance of the Civic Journalistic Role. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
Practices and Discourses of Journalistic Roles on Social Media. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
Does Media Platform Really Matter? Mapping Journalistic Role Performance in Chilean Print and Online News. International Communication Association Conference, Praga, 2018.
The Hybridization of Journalistic Cultures: A Comparative Study of Journalistic Role Performance in 19 Countries. International Communication Association Conference, San Diego 2017.
The changes in Journalistic Role Performances in Transitional Democracy Explained. International Communication Association Conference, San Diego 2017.
Comparing journalistic role performance in Spain, the US, and Latin America. A study of audience approaches in news content. ECREA Journalism Studies Section Conference 2017: Changing Audiences-Changing Journalism , Odense, 2017.
The influence of Journalistic Role Performance on Objective Reporting in Chilean, Mexican and Spanish News. AEJMC, Chicago, 2017
Challenging the Citizen– Consumer Journalistic Dichotomy: A News Content Analysis of Audience Approaches in Chile. International Communication Association Conference, Japan 2016.
The Networks of Journalistic Role Performances in Different Media Systems: The co-occurrence of professional roles and journalistic sources in Chile and the United States. International Communication Association Conference, Japan 2016.
Journalistic role performance: Findings from 11 countries. Presented at the International Communication Association 2015 Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Journalistic role performance in the 21st century: Linking normative stance of journalists to sourcing routines and organizational news coverage. Presented at the International Communication Association 2015 Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Comparative communication methodology: Assessing journalistic performance cross-nationally. Presented at the Re-inventing Journalism conference, Winterthur (Switzerland, 2015).
Studying journalistic performance in the digital age: What methodological advances we identify? Panel presented at the Re-Inventing Journalism Conference, Winterthur (Switzerland, 2015).
Visual TV analysis of journalistic role performance. Hispanic news in English and Spanish-language networks in the United States. Presented at the Re-inventing Journalism conference, Winterthur (Switzerland, 2015).
Watchdogs, Agenda Setters or Straight-down Publicists? From Professional Role Ideals to Role Performances in Mexican Journalism. Annual Conference of the International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), University of Quebec-Montreal (July 13-17, 2015)
The publicist role of Mexican journalists: post-authoritarian journalism in a captured-liberal model. XXXIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LASA), San Juan de Puerto Rico, EEUU, 2015
Can the watchdog ever retire? Reevaluating journalistic roles through their performance. Paper presented at the AEJMC conference in Montreal, August 2014.
Journalistic role performance around the Globe. Panel presented at International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Journalism Division), London, UK, panel, 2013.
Roles In News: Media Sociology Conceptualization of Journalistic Role Conception. Paper presented at the Future of Journalism 2013 conference, Cardiff 12- 13 September, 2013.
Validation of a multidimensional scale to measure audience approaches in news content. Challenging the citizen-consumer dichotomy. Paper presented at IAMCR. Dublin 25-29 June, 2013.
Professional Roles in News Content: Six Models of Journalistic Role Performance. Paper presented at the 63th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London 17 - 21 June, 2013
Between rhetorics and practice. Explaining the role conception-performance gap among Chilean journalists. Paper presented at the 63th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, London 17 - 21 June, 2013.