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2013-2018 STUDY

In crossnational communication research , the first wave of the JRP Project was the first one that measured journalistic role performance in the news, as well as the gap betweehn rhetoric and professional practices, with reliables and validated measures across different organizational, institutional and societal levels.


The first wave of our project brought together researchers from 19 countries from North America, Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Western Europe.


Thanks to out strong collaborative effort, the project content analyzed more than 35,0000 news items coming from 60 different news media utlets,  and surveyed more than 800 journalists between 2012 and 2015, based on a common theoretical and methodological framework.


  • The content analysis measured the presence of six professional roles in the news, levels of objectivity, use of sources, as well as specific characteristics of the news stories analyzed.

  • The survey questionnaire addressed the role conceptions, as well as the perceived a role enactment of the journalists, perceived autonomy and sociodemografic characteristics.

  • We also collected organizational level as well as social-system variables to provide an explanatory framework for both the performance of different professional roles, and the gap between evaluative ideals and professional practices.

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